Anmol Chemicals is the pioneer manufacturers of Chromium Chloride or Chromic Chloride, Pharmaceutical Excipients Chemicals in India. We offer Halal and Kosher Chromic Chloride made in an ISO9001, ISO22000 (FSSC22000) cGMP and GLP certified facility. Our group has several manufacturing facilities spread across the world, supported by toll manufacturers and representatives in UAE, Europe, Africa, USA, China and has several associated manufacturing facilities spread across India. All the Information on Physics, Chemistry, Applications, Uses and Technology on Manufacture of Chromic Chloride is in these pages. The units have one or more of the certifications like FDA GMP, ISO 9001, ISO 22000, HACCP, REACH, Kosher & Halal
Chromium Chloride Manufacturers Chromic Chloride USP FCC Food Grade Manufacturers
Chromium Chloride Hexahydrate CAS Number 10060-12-5
Chromium Chloride Anhydrous 158.36 CAS Number 10025-73-7Italian Produttori di cloruro di cromo cloruro cromico
German Chromic Chlorid Hersteller Chrom Chlorid Hersteller
Arabic مصنعي كلوريد الكروم
Dutch Chromic Chloride fabrikanten Chroom Chloride fabrikanten
Spanish Crómico fabricantes de cloruro de cromo cloruro fabricantes
French Chlorure chromique fabricants des fabricants de chlorure chrome
Portuguese Fabricantes de cloreto de crómio de fabricantes crômico cloretoChromium Chloride Uses
Chromium Chloride Manufacturers & Uses
MSDS of Chromium Chloride, Chromic Chloride USP ManufacturersChromic Chloride
Chromium Chloride Commercial Pure & IP BP Ph Eur USP NF FCC Food Grades
Chromic Chloride - Chromium Chloride
Molecular Formula: CrCl3·6H2O Chromium chloride (CrCl3) hexahydrate.
Molecular Weight: 266.45
CAS No.: Chromium(3+) chloride hexahydrate [10060-12-5]. Anhydrous 158.36 [10025-73-7].
EINECS EC No.: 233-038-3Specifications of Chromium Chloride or Chromic Chloride:
Chromic Chloride or Chromium Chloride contains not less than 98.0 percent and not more than 101.0 percent of CrCl3·6H2O.
Insoluble matter—0.01%).
Substances not precipitated by ammonium hydroxide— (0.20% as sulfate).
Sulfate— (0.01%).
Iron— The limit is 0.01%.Chromic Chloride USP Chromium Chloride
Chromic Chloride - Chromium Chloride
CrCl3-6H2O 266.45
Chromium chloride (CrCl3) hexahydrate
Chromium(3+) chloride hexahydrate CAS 10060-12-5
Anhydrous 158.36 CAS 10025-73-7Chromium Chloride - Chromic Chloride or Chromium Chloride contains not less than 98.0 percent and not more than 101.0 percent of CrCl3-6H2O
A: To 5 mL of a solution (1 in 250) in a test tube add 1 mL of 5 N sodium hydroxide and 10 drops of 30 percent hydrogen peroxide, and heat gently for about 2 minutes: a yellow color develops.
B: To 5 mL of a solution (1 in 250) in a test tube add 5 drops of silver nitrate TS: a white, curd like precipitate is formed, and it is insoluble in nitric acid.
Insoluble matter: Transfer 10 g to a 250-mL beaker, add 100 mL of water, cover the beaker, and heat to boiling. Digest the hot solution on a steam bath for 30 minutes, and filter through a tarred filtering crucible of fine porosity. Rinse the beaker with hot water, passing the rinsing through the filter, and wash the filter with hot water until the last washing is colorless. Dry the filter at 105oC the weight of the residue does not exceed 1 mg (0.01%).
Substances not precipitated by ammonium hydroxide: Dissolve 2.0 g of Chromic Chloride or Chromium Chloride in 80 mL of water, heat the solution to boiling, and add a slight excess of ammonium hydroxide. Continue heating to remove the excess ammonia, cool, dilute with water to 100.0 mL, and mix. Pass through a retentive filter, and transfer 50.0 mL of the clear filtrate to an evaporating dish that previously has been ignited and tarred. Add 0.5 mL of sulfuric acid to the filtrate, evaporate on a steam bath to dryness, heat gently to remove the excess acid, and ignite gently: the weight of the residue does not exceed 2.0 mg (0.20% as sulfate).
Sulfate: Prepare a test solution by dissolving 2.0 g in 10 mL of water. Add 1 mL of 3 N hydrochloric acid, filter if necessary to obtain a clear solution, wash the filter with two 5-mL portions of water, and dilute with water to 40 mL. Prepare a control solution in a similar manner, but use 1.0 g of the substance under test, and after the filtration step add 0.10 mL of 0.020 N sulfuric acid. To each solution add 3 mL of barium chloride TS, mix, and allow to stand overnight. Decant most of the supernatants, without disturbing the precipitates, but leaving twice the volume of liquid in the control solution as in the test solution. Dilute each solution with water to 25 mL, and sonicate for 1 minute: any turbidity in the test solution does not exceed that in the control solution (0.01%).
Iron: Dissolve 1.0 g of Chromic Chloride or Chromium Chloride in 100 mL of water, and mix. Transfer 10 mL of this solution to a 100-mL color comparison tube, dilute with water to 45 mL, add 2 mL of hydrochloric acid, and mix (Test Preparation). Proceed as directed for Procedure, except to add 15 mL of butyl alcohol to the Test Preparation and the Standard Preparation at the same time that the Ammonium Thiocyanate Solution is added. Shake for 30 seconds, and allow the layers to separate: the color in the upper butyl alcohol layer from the Test Preparation is not darker than that from the Standard Preparation. The limit is 0.01%.
Assay: Dissolve about 0.4 g of Chromic Chloride or Chromium Chloride, accurately weighed, in 100 mL of water contained in a glass-stoppered, 500-mL conical flask, add 5 mL of 5 N sodium hydroxide, and mix. Pipette, slowly, 4 mL of 30 percent hydrogen peroxide into the flask, and boil the solution for 5 minutes. Cool the solution slightly, and add 5 mL of nickel sulfate solution (1 in 20). Boil the solution until no more oxygen is evolved, cool, and add 2 N sulfuric acid drop wise until the color of the solution changes from yellow to orange. Add to the flask a freshly prepared solution of 4 g of potassium iodide and 2 g of sodium bicarbonate in 100 mL of water, then add 6 mL of hydrochloric acid. Immediately insert the stopper in the flask, and allow to stand in the dark for 10 minutes. Rinse the stopper and the sides of the flask with a few mL of water, and titrate the liberated iodine with 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate VS to an orange color. Add 3 mL of starch TS, and continue the titration to a blue-green endpoint. Each mL of 0.1 N sodium thiosulfate is equivalent to 8.882 mg of CrCl3·6H2O.
Specifications of Chromic Chloride FCC Food Grade:
CrCl3-6H2O --- Formula weight: 266.45 --- CAS: 10060-12-5DESCRIPTION
Chromic chloride hexahydrate occurs as very dark green to violet crystals or crystalline powder. It is hygroscopic, and freely soluble in water. It is soluble in ethanol and insoluble in ether and in acetone.
Function: NutrientIDENTIFICATION
A. Dissolve 1 g of the sample in water to a final concentration of 4 mg/mL.
In a test tube, add 1 mL of 5 N sodium hydroxide and 10 drops of 30% hydrogen peroxide to 5 mL of the Sample solution, and heat gently for about 2 min.
Acceptance criteria: A yellow color develops.
B. Chloride
Acceptance criteria: Passes test for Chloride.ASSAY
To pass the test.
Acceptance criteria: 98% to 101%
Arsenic: 1 mg/kg maximum.
Cadmium: 1 mg/kg maximum.
Lead: 1 mg/kg maximum.
Mercury: maximum. NMT 1 mg/kg
Chromium (VI): To pass the test; Acceptance criteria: 250 microg/g maximum.
Water-Insoluble matter: To pass the test; Acceptance criteria: The weight of the residue does not exceed 1 mg (0.01% maximum.).
Substances Not Precipitated by Ammonium Hydroxide:To pass the test; Acceptance criteria: NMT 0.20% as sulfate.We also offer as under:
Chromium Chloride Manufacturers
Chromic Chloride USP Manufacturers at:Anmol Chemicals
TEL: (OFFICE) 91-22-23770100, 23726950, 23774610, 23723564. FAX: 91-22-23728264e-mail:
Copyright. March 4, 2022
Ammonium bromide -- Aluminium chloride -- Aluminum chloride -- Barium chloride -- Copper sulfate sulphate -- Calcium saccharate -- Ceric ammonium nitrate -- Chromium Chloride -- Cupric chloride -- Magnesium Chloride -- Manganese Chloride -- Potassium iodide -- Potassium bromide -- Sodium Bromide
Exports to USA, Canada, UAE, Dubai, South Africa, Tanzania, Kenya, Nigeria, Egypt, Uganda, Turkey, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Europe Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Germany, Portugal, France, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Georgia, Korea, Japan, etc.
Chromium (III) chloride (also called chromic chloride) is a violet coloured solid with the formula CrCl3. The most common form of CrCl3 sold commercially is a dark green hexahydrate with the formula [CrCl2(H2O)4]Cl.2H2O. Two other hydrates are known, pale green [CrCl(H2O)5]Cl2.H2O and violet [Cr(H2O)6]Cl3. This unusual feature of chromium (III) chlorides, having a series of [CrCl3−n(H2O)n]z+, each of which is isolable, is also found with other chromium (III) compounds